Transforming Sub-Surface Interpretation

Bringing data and subsurface expertise together to get a better understanding of the subsurface 0

Monday, April 13, 2015, London, Kensington Close Hotel

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With the recent plunge in oil prices, all petroleum provinces are even more challenged by poor economic returns. And exploration anywhere is seen as offering poor value for money…….

In part this is due to exponentiating costs – as some would assert, the expropriation of cash flow by oil field service companies. This is a topic for “another day”!

In part it is due to the failure of oil & gas companies to grow reserves, whether by:
· Exploration for new fields
· Exploitation of existing discoveries
· Reservoir Management of recently developed fields
· Deployment of IOR/EOR technologies.

And yet we have a multitude, a “wall”, of data that in principle allows us to better describe basins, plays, prospects and discoveries, and to better describe and monitor producing fields, and the individual reservoirs therein.

In addition to massive amounts of public data, we can transform our (subsurface) capabilities by using new data acquisition technologies - some would call them 'disruptive' technologies. Looking back at our Finding Petroleum events in 2014, the key 'disruptions' now on our radars are:

Integrating, analysing, visualising and correctly interpreting all this data, these multi-measurements, goes way beyond the 'lowest common denominator' un-networked desktop applications available today where the world of innovation has been replaced by ‘one size fits all’.

I have always believed that the best insights are found when everybody – for example, geologists, geophysicists, petrophysicists, reservoir engineers, commercial folk – are looking at the same thing, and working on the problem at hand as a team.

David Bamford


9:30 Welcome & Introduction: followed by SESSION 1: "Disruptive" Acquisition Technologies


David Bamford - Director - Future Energy Partners Ltd

New Technologies can transform our sub-surface insights!

Talk Description.
The last two or three years have revealed some profound “technical” issues:

Exploration has everywhere been very unsuccessful over the last 2-3 years, both in success rate and in the discovery of “giants”.
· We have reached the ‘end of the road’ with regional towed streamer 3D as our main exploration tool.

“Reservoir Risk” is a key contributor to the failure of Development projects; too much uncertainty is carried beyond Appraisal and FEED into project design and execution.
· New technologies are needed to reduce uncertainties.

Poor understanding of reservoir dynamics has led to unsatisfactory IOR/EOR projects.
· ‘Richer’ surveillance will improve our understanding of reservoir dynamics.

We need some “Disruptive” technologies:

A bit of a generalisation but “disruptive” transformations in our ability to explore, appraise and manage reservoirs are almost always related to step changes in our ability to acquire subsurface data. What did 2014 bring?

Offshore Nodes ‘came of age’: the key change was the demonstration that the operational problems often associated with seabed kit have been solved. Onshore Nodes may be just over the horizon, from a combination of wireless technology and UAVs. Are cables finally for binning?

Non-Seismic Geophysics: not exactly ‘new news’ but Full Tensor Gravimetry (FTG) came into widespread use onshore (and offshore, too).

Fibre Optics: demonstrated real potential for 24/7 downhole seismic, including Permanent Reservoir Monitoring (see also below), Production Monitoring.

And finally one that wasn’t: we need to figure out why Permanent Reservoir Monitoring has been so slow to take off?

David Bamford is well known around the oil & gas industry both as an explorer and a geophysicist. He holds a Physics degree from the University of Bristol and a Ph.D in Geological Sciences from the University of Birmingham.

Since 2004, he has been a non-executive director at Tullow Oil plc, being recruited for this position especially for his exploration knowledge. He serves on the Nominations and Remuneration Committees, and was chairman of the latter, and Senior Independent Director, for 3 years prior to his retire from the board at the end of April 2014.

He joined the board of Premier Oil in May 2014.

He retired from BP plc in 2003, his last four positions being Chief Geophysicist (1990-1995), Business Unit Leader (General Manager) for first West Africa and then Norway (1995-1999), and finally Head of Exploration until 2003.

He has served on the boards of Paras Ltd, a small exploration and IS/IT consulting company in which he held 22% equity, until its sale to RPS Energy in 2008 and Welltec a/s, a Danish well engineering company, as the nominee of the private equity investor Riverside.
From 2012 to 201 he was on the board of ASX-quoted Australia Oriental Energy as a non-executive director.

He was a founder of Richmond Energy Partners, a small oil & gas research house, and several media companies that focus on the oil & gas sector, and has served as an advisor to Alliance Bernstein, Opus Executive, the Parkmead Group plc, and Kimmeridge Energy LLP. Since retiring from BP, he has undertaken asset and company valuation projects for investment banks, hedge funds and small oil companies.

Future Energy Partners Ltd
Future Energy Partners (FEP) is a unique oil and gas advisory service which prides itself on technical excellence in selected fields and supplementing business management and leadership; in the face of uncertainty.

We offer truthful, professional opinion and advice; no playback of what you already know, and no spin.

FEP was founded by 4 senior industry practitioners who consider the challenges faced by today's oil and gas environment are going to require herculean acts of leadership and technical skill in a transforming, transitioning, industry, in order to maintain an energy supply that is sustainable and even recognisable compared to recent history.

Similarly nations developing an oil and gas industry face related challenges as they seek to maximise the benefits of this new wealth-creating opportunity - in a responsible manner.

Global reach

FEP actively participates in the facilitation and conduct of seminars and webinars worldwide, for example in conjunction with its associate partner Finding Petroleum.

Our presence reaches parts of the globe, such as: the UK, the USA, Sub-Saharan Africa, with partners wherever we work.

John Moses - Sales and Marketing Director (EAME) - Seabed Geosolutions

Data acquisition on the seabed – welcome to the Age of Enlightenment

Talk Description.
This presentation will showcase data examples from the North Sea and West Africa, as well as outline the operational elements of a recent project. The presentation will also feature the next evolution in seabed seismic technology.
Seabed Geosolutions
Seabed Geosolutions is a global provider of integrated seabed seismic solutions, delivering value in every stage of the geophysical cycle through a total project management approach designed to meet client objectives efficiently, safely and effectively. Our pioneering seabed technologies acquire high quality, full azimuth, multicomponent data with a focus on 4D reservoir monitoring and challenging environments such as obstructed areas and undershoots.
10:50 Coffee & Tea; Exhibits: followed by SESSION 2: Integration


Claire Husband - Senior Geophysicist - ARKeX

Practical Integration of Broadband Gravity (FTG) and Seismic Data

ARKeX provides airborne and marine geophysical surveys for the oil & gas exploration industry. It specialises in Full Tensor Gravity Gradiometry (FTG), which measures variations in the earth''s gravitational field to help image subsurface structures. FTG has a much higher bandwidth and delivers a high resolution image than conventional gravity.

John Brennan - Analytics & Data Management Strategy Lead, Oil & Gas - Hewlett-Packard

How advanced analytics and data management can improve exploration operational performance and capital effectiveness

Talk Description.
John will discuss the innovative use of technology and all forms of digital content to deliver new capabilities that could enhance sub-surface performance. Examining examples from within the industry and other sectors facing similar challenges, John will share how technology can deliver powerful analytics to fully exploit the huge quantity and variety of available data.

HP Digital Oilfield Intelligence solutions enable your company to take advantage of new information, technologies and business models. These oil and gas solutions transform data into business insight that can be shared across your enterprise. You can integrate information into a single data warehousing platform that can be accessed in real time. With these business intelligence solutions, you can produce oil more efficiently, forecast product demand, predict oil logistics and increase profit.

Keith R Holdaway - Upstream Domain - SAS Global Oil and Gas

Advanced Seismic Attribute Analysis: Deep Learning Methodologies

Mr Holdaway has a Masters Degree in Geophysics from Durham University UK. He is a Fellow of the Geological Society in London. He worked for several geophysical companies in his 15 year career, primarily at Petroleum Development of Oman as a geophysicist. He has worked over the past 15 years for SAS Institute to help harness SAS analytics to geophysical, geologic and reservoir engineering data to ascertain exploratory data analysis and appropriate modeling approaches to enable more robust forecasting and identify new field-reengineering strategies in mature assets

SAS Global Oil and Gas
SAS provides solutions that enable the O&G industry to transform masses of data about your sub-surface, operations, reservoirs, fields, other assets, suppliers, contractors, risks, costs and profitability into strategic business intelligence—the fuel for competitive advantage.
13:00 Lunch & Exhibits, followed by SESSION 3: Visualisation, Analysis & Interpretation


Mike Leach - Workstation Technologist - Lenovo

Lenovo and CGG: Improved workflows for seismic interpretation

Lenovo has operations in more than 60 countries and sells its products in around 160 countries. Lenovo's principal facilities are in Beijing, Morrisville and Singapore, with research centers in those locations, as well as Shanghai, Shenzhen, Xiamen, and Chengdu in China, and Yamato in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. It operates a joint venture with EMC, LenovoEMC, which sells network-attached storage solutions.

Ken Armitage - MD - Geodirk

Geologic rock property normalisation of seismic

Talk Description.
• Prime cause of E&P inefficiency is wrong inter-well forecast of poro-perms, largely risk contingent upon knowing geology as causes spatial property change.
• G&G defines geology via well and sequence shape models, then simulates collective variations potentially caused by (some 15 factorial) changes in sedimentation, lithofacies and /or structural geology, compaction, digenesis, fluids etc.
• To significantly enhance E&P success requires processing of seismic into better geologic, then poro-perm, and fluid models.
• Seismic now provides relatively accurate pseudo sonic log, time, velocity, depth data per 12.5m trace, at <12.5m vertical. P & S velocity data can be gathered pre stack. Seismic provides excellent seismic stratigraphic shapes, potentially enabling quantitative interpretation (QI) to better define geology of deposition and burial changes.
• Where inter-well cells compact normally relative to well data, conversion to inter-bedded lithologies and their poro-perms should be low risk. Therefore, normalisation, per seismic volume having similar burial compaction controls, allows equilibration by depth shift, with well based ‘normal’ depth compaction. This allows conversion of seismic to geo and petro information that is risk dependent primarily on quantification of burial depth equilibration shift.
• Expert geo-detectives need to process seismic +/- well data to filter presence / absence of such geo-causes of property change, relative to burial-change ‘norm’ then generate a normalised, single most probable geo-petro model. QI filters cellular data to quantify separate and net effects of causes of burial changes. Then, cellular seismic numbers = cellular geologic numbers of deposition and burial changes = cellular petro-physical numbers, in one, most probable, multidisciplinary integration, containing presence / absence of geo-risks.
• Integrating, analysing, visualising and correctly interpreting extra multi-disciplinary measurements goes beyond desktop applications available today. So, we beta tested, in > 30 data sets each >600km3, ‘apps’ to process cellular evidence crucial for geo-detection, for current workstations.

GeoDirk found the common denominator between seismic, geology, poro-perms & fluids. Plus or minus well data or complex geology, these step changes are audited # to convert seismic into all key G&G parameters, at >80% accuracy / sample. (# viable data quality)

Jane Wheelwright - Technical Application Specialist - Dynamic Graphics

4D Visualization and Integration of DAS/DTS data from multiple wells

Dynamic Graphics
Dynamic Graphics, Inc. partners with clients to solve spatial analysis problems in the petroleum, environmental, and earth-related sciences. Over the past four decades, we have been the premier provider of geospatial solutions with our innovative, easy-to-use software and outstanding support services.
15:45 Close

Sponsors of this event

For over 25 years, we've been using our data and geoscience expertise to help the oil and mining industries locate the earth's natural resources. Whatever your requirements, our multidisciplinary team of geoscientists can help you make enlightened business decisions.

At Getech, we offer a range of services dedicated to helping you understand the geological risks and opportunities associated with locating natural resources - whether you're working on a global or regional scale.

Our eco-system offers a holistic view of how our core services interact, with Globe at the centre.

HP Digital Oilfield Intelligence solutions enable your company to take advantage of new information, technologies and business models. These oil and gas solutions transform data into business insight that can be shared across your enterprise. You can integrate information into a single data warehousing platform that can be accessed in real time. With these business intelligence solutions, you can produce oil more efficiently, forecast product demand, predict oil logistics and increase profit.

HP Digital Oilfield Intelligence solutions enable your company to take advantage of new information, technologies and business models. These oil and gas solutions transform data into business insight that can be shared across your enterprise. You can integrate information into a single data warehousing platform that can be accessed in real time. With these business intelligence solutions, you can produce oil more efficiently, forecast product demand, predict oil logistics and increase profit.

Seabed Geosolutions
Seabed Geosolutions is a global provider of integrated seabed seismic solutions, delivering value in every stage of the geophysical cycle through a total project management approach designed to meet client objectives efficiently, safely and effectively. Our pioneering seabed technologies acquire high quality, full azimuth, multicomponent data with a focus on 4D reservoir monitoring and challenging environments such as obstructed areas and undershoots.

Lenovo has operations in more than 60 countries and sells its products in around 160 countries. Lenovo's principal facilities are in Beijing, Morrisville and Singapore, with research centers in those locations, as well as Shanghai, Shenzhen, Xiamen, and Chengdu in China, and Yamato in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. It operates a joint venture with EMC, LenovoEMC, which sells network-attached storage solutions.

Digital Energy Journal
Founded in 2006, Digital Energy Journal is the world's leading magazine for digital technology in the upstream oil and gas industry, covering developments in exploration, drilling and production, covering IT infrastructure, software, automation and people. We produce 6 issues per year, distributed by print and pdf, and an e-mail newsletter every Friday. Digital Energy Journal the official publication of Finding Petroleum. Subscriptions are GBP 250 a year.

ARKeX provides airborne and marine geophysical surveys for the oil & gas exploration industry. It specialises in Full Tensor Gravity Gradiometry (FTG), which measures variations in the earth''s gravitational field to help image subsurface structures. FTG has a much higher bandwidth and delivers a high resolution image than conventional gravity.

ARKeX provides airborne and marine geophysical surveys for the oil & gas exploration industry. It specialises in Full Tensor Gravity Gradiometry (FTG), which measures variations in the earth''s gravitational field to help image subsurface structures. FTG has a much higher bandwidth and delivers a high resolution image than conventional gravity.

GeoDirk found the common denominator between seismic, geology, poro-perms & fluids. Plus or minus well data or complex geology, these step changes are audited # to convert seismic into all key G&G parameters, at >80% accuracy / sample. (# viable data quality)

Registered Delegates

Allan Induni
United Kingdom
Rana Wallwork
Business Development Analyst
Dong Energy
Nick Grealy
No Hot Air
United Kingdom
Paul Murphy
Key Account Manager, Oil and Gas Division
Airbus Defence and Space
United Kingdom
Brian Donnelly
Consultant Geophysicist
United Kingdom
Mark Enfield
Managing Director
P.D.F. Limited (An EPI group company)
United Kingdom
Roberto Ruiz
Timothy Culwick
Solutions Architect
United Kingdom
Robert Parker
United Kingdom
Claire Husband
Senoir Geophysicist
Toyin Solanke
Eknalos GeoTek
United Kingdom
Vincent Sheppard
Chief Geophysicist
United Kingdom
Anne-Marie Liszczyk
ARKeX Limited
United Kingdom
Martin Riddle
Technical Manager
United Kingdom
John Hother
United Kingdom
David Sendra
Associate Consultant
United Kingdom
Simon Fleckner
Envoi Ltd
United Kingdom
James Page
PVE Consulting
United Kingdom
Christian Richards
Sales Manager
United Kingdom
Serje Heyer
Feather Tech
United Kingdom
Nigel Quinton
QX Energy Limited
United Kingdom
Jonathan Watson
Bridgeporth ltd
United Kingdom
Avinga Pallangyo
Events Coordinator
Finding Petroleum
Josh King
RAB Capital
United Kingdom
Bryn Austin
Director & Geological/Geophysical Consultant
Brynterpretation Ltd
United Kingdom
Richard McIntyre
Sales Manager
Finding Petroleum
Kes Heffer
Reservoir Dynamics Ltd
United Kingdom
Marianne Parsons
salar Golestanian
Managing Director
Finity Asset
United Kingdom
Roger Doery
United Kingdom
Andrew McCarthy
Principal Geoscientist
United Kingdom
Ken Armitage
GeoDirk Ltd
United Kingdom
Dominic McCann
SAS Institute
Roger Taylor
Technical Marketing Manager
United Kingdom
Robert FE Jones
Geoko Ltd
United Kingdom
Keith Holdaway
Advisory Industry Consultant: Global O&G
SAS Institute
United States
Sean Waddingham
Data Library
United Kingdom
Alexandra Kenna
Managing Director
United Kingdom
Paul Day
Director / Consultant
United Kingdom
Will Thornton
United Kingdom
David Bannister
Marketing Manager
United Kingdom
John Moses

Seabed Geosolutions
Anne Benfedda
Marketing Manager
Chemostrat Ltd
Chris Boot
Business Development
David Webber
Seismic Operations Consultant
Seismic Operations Consultant
United Kingdom
Dominic Davey
E&P Information Systems
United Kingdom
Suzanna Bailey

Christian Bukovics
Senior Independent Director
Sound Energy Plc
United Kingdom
Ade Odidi

United Kingdom
Paul Muscat
director for energy and utilities industries in UK
Glyn Roberts
Spec Partners Ltd
United Kingdom
Dan Kunkle
Count Geophysics
United Kingdom
John Brennan

Richard Lee
Sub-Surface Data Technologist
Sub-Surface Data Technologist
Tagbo Ndefo
Data Manager
Degeconek Nigeria Limited
United Kingdom
Sean Akinwale
EMBA Student
Imperial College Business Sschool
United Kingdom
Frank Eisenhower
Operations Manager
United Kingdom
Jane Wheelwright
Technical Application Specialist
United Kingdom
Ravi Chandran
Kalki Consultants Limited
United Kingdom
Jay Sahota
Lead Geoscientist
Tullow Oil
United Kingdom
Jean Martinie
Rebecca Clare
Business Development Manager
Alec Robinson
President & CEO
Valient Energy
United Kingdom
karl jeffery
Digital Energy Journal
United Kingdom
Mike Leach
?Workstation Technologist / Business Development Manager
Peter Lancaster
Valioso Ltd
United Kingdom
Helena Zapata Suarez
Interpretation Geoscientist
Dolphin Geophysical
Martin Hodge
Data Processing, Time Imaging & Data Management Geophysicist
MoveOut Data Seismic Services
United Kingdom
Ben Couzens
Seeking New Opportunities
United Kingdom
Nicolas Hand
Dolphin Geophysical Ltd
United Kingdom
Steve Callan
Director of Business Development
Moveout Data Seismic Services
United Kingdom
_ _
United Kingdom