Non-seismic Geophysics

.....about to break through, or better to spend your money on a cup of coffee? 0

Thursday, February 19, 2015, London, The Geological Society

When I first joined BP many more years ago than I care to remember, my new boss said something along the lines of “if you have $100, spend $99 on seismic and buy a cup of coffee with the remaining $1!” You will gather he was not very enthusiastic about non-seismic geophysical techniques. And of course, we could point to some well-known classical physics that demonstrated that “Seismic is King!”, having the penetration and resolution never available from potential field and electrical methods.

By and large this has remained true since then, despite expansive claims to the contrary – mainly from Norway – on behalf of electro-magnetic methods. Indeed, the only non-seismic method that is widely recognised as having taken a big step forwards as an exploration tool is Full Tensor Gravimetry (FTG) which does indeed seem to bring a new level of resolution to gravity methods.

However, “never” is a big word and just now it is possible to see the emergence of new and exciting non-seismic technologies, especially as the world of exploration veers back to the onshore regions of the world.

For this half day event, we invite insightful presentations on this topic. So please get in contact if you or your company would like to present, exhibit or sponsor this event.

David Bamford



David Bamford - Director - Finding Petroleum

Welcome & Introduction

David Bamford is well known around the oil & gas industry both as an explorer and a geophysicist. He holds a Physics degree from the University of Bristol and a Ph.D in Geological Sciences from the University of Birmingham.

Since 2004, he has been a non-executive director at Tullow Oil plc, being recruited for this position especially for his exploration knowledge. He serves on the Nominations and Remuneration Committees, and was chairman of the latter, and Senior Independent Director, for 3 years prior to his retire from the board at the end of April 2014.

He was on the board of Premier Oil from May 2014 to May 2016.

He retired from BP plc in 2003, his last four positions being Chief Geophysicist (1990-1995), Business Unit Leader (General Manager) for first West Africa and then Norway (1995-1999), and finally Head of Exploration until 2003.

He has served on the boards of Paras Ltd, a small exploration and IS/IT consulting company in which he held 22% equity, until its sale to RPS Energy in 2008 and Welltec a/s, a Danish well engineering company, as the nominee of the private equity investor Riverside.

From 2012 to 201 he was on the board of ASX-quoted Australia Oriental Energy as a non-executive director.

He was a founder of Richmond Energy Partners, a small oil & gas research house, and several media companies that focus on the oil & gas sector, and has served as an advisor to Alliance Bernstein, Opus Executive, the Parkmead Group plc, and Kimmeridge Energy LLP. Since retiring from BP, he has undertaken asset and company valuation projects for investment banks, hedge funds and small oil companies.

Finding Petroleum
Finding Petroleum was established to help the oil and gas industry network, and stay up to date on the latest technological developments. It does this via hosting regular events and with an online social network of nearly 10,000 members.

Hamish Wilson, Keith Nunn and Matt Luheshi - - SLR

Non-seismic geophysics - what seems to work, what doesn't! (Title TBC)

Talk Description.

We will describe how and when to apply non-conventional geoscience technologies to reduce exploration risks.

Despite great advances in non-seismic technologies, today’s process of subsurface risk management in Oil and Gas Exploration is still predominantly reliant on seismic data. Yet there are a suite of other, mainly geophysical, based technologies that can augment the power of seismic to understand the subsurface. SLR Consulting has assembled a world-class team of experts to provide the definitive study of when and how to use such technologies.

The focus is initially on geophysics based technologies that have been proven to work and should be in the mainstream of exploration. The technologies reviewed in presentation are (with their respective authors):
1) Crustal studies (refraction seismic) – Jannis Mackris and Keith Nunn
2) Gravity and Magnetics – Alan Reid
3) Full Tensor Gradiometry – Matt Luheshi
4) Marine Electromagnatism (CSEM and MT) – Lucy Macgregor
5) Ocean Bottom Nodes – Ian Jack
6) Microseismic and induced seismicity – Sue Raikes

We will present a route map – a technology-selection guideline for explorers that is intended to be a ‘go-to’ guide for decision makers of the suitability and applicability of each technology in a variety of geological settings. It also provides an indicative budget required for each technology broadly relative to that of a conventional seismic survey.

SLR is a leading international environmental consultancy with an unrivalled reputation for providing high quality tailored services.

With offices in Europe, North America, Australasia, and Africa, SLR is one of a very small number of truly international specialist environmental consultancies. We provide global consultancy advice and support on a wide range of strategic and site-specific issues to a diverse and growing base of business, regulatory and governmental clients.

SLR is an environmental consultancy that specialises in the energy, mining & minerals, waste management, planning & development, infrastructure and industrial sectors. We also provide expert sustainability advice and project management support that spans all of these sectors.


Simon Campbell - Globe Technical Development and Senior Geophysicist - Getech

Global tools for frontier exploration - Part 1

Talk Description.
Getech's long heritage of compiling continental-scale potential fields datasets, developing depth-to-basement interpretation techniques and work at the forefront of satellite altimetry gravity data technology makes us uniquely positioned to producedata and interpretation products which enhance new ventures exploration programmes. In this presentation we present two such projects of a global scale.

Firstly, we will show the development of an integrated gravity and magnetic analysis approach to generate new global depth-to-basement and sediment thickness maps. Depth-to-basement and sediment thickness estimations are important for the new ventures explorationist, since they help to identify potentially productive sedimentary basin areas and to map their extents. In addition, on a basin scale, the depth-to-basement map will provide a vital constraint for source rock maturity modelling and for understanding the local thermal regime in both conventional and unconventional exploration settings. We present an integrated approach to map the depth-to-basement on a global scale using the best available gravity and magnetic data, constrained by published information such as wells and seismic data. The approach uses the relative merits of each of the datasets and new methodologies developed by Getech.

Simon Campbell is the Manager of Globe Technical Development at Getech Group plc, a geoscience consultancy based in Leeds, England. His particular focus is the analysis of gravity and magnetic data within integrated geoscience studies to address exploration problems. After graduating in Geophysics from University College Cardiff, he received a M.Sc. in Exploration Geophysics from the University of Leeds in 1991. After joining Getech in 1992, he worked primarily on the development of their integrated gravity and magnetic data sets before specialising in the interpretation of potential fields data within the hydrocarbons exploration industry. His primary focus has been the integrated analysis of potential field data with supporting geological and geophysical data to reduce interpretation uncertainties. More recently his interests have included the application of gravity and magnetic modelling in defining crustal architecture and the implications for palaeogeography on a global scale. ?He has over 20 years experience as a potential fields data and interpretation specialist at Getech.

For over 25 years, we've been using our data and geoscience expertise to help the oil and mining industries locate the earth's natural resources. Whatever your requirements, our multidisciplinary team of geoscientists can help you make enlightened business decisions.

At Getech, we offer a range of services dedicated to helping you understand the geological risks and opportunities associated with locating natural resources - whether you're working on a global or regional scale.

Our eco-system offers a holistic view of how our core services interact, with Globe at the centre.

Kirsten Fletcher - Senior Geophysicist - Getech

Global tools for frontier exploration - Part 2

Talk Description.
Secondly, we show the recent progress of an exciting new study mapping the continental margins of the world. For the first time in over 20 years, new satellite altimetry data are being acquired, and these new data - from the CryoSat-2, Jason-1 and HY-2A satellites - means a significant increase in data density leading to a higher resolution gravity field for the offshore parts of the globe. We show how careful editing, processing, integration and levelling of these data, calling on over 20 years experience of developing techniques to address the unique challenges of these types of data, is resulting in the most accurate, reliable and coherent dataset available.
Kirsten joined Getech in 2001 following completing the MSc course in Exploration Geophysics at Leeds University. She has worked extensively in the processing of potential field data and currently manages the Gravity and Magnetic data group. Over her time at Getech she has particularly focused on the development of processing satellite altimetry data to give high resolution gravity solution of the ocean continental margins and is currently heading up Getech's Multi-Satellite project to include the new satellite data from CryoSat-2, Jason-1 and HY-2a and improve the gravity solution further.

For over 25 years, we've been using our data and geoscience expertise to help the oil and mining industries locate the earth's natural resources. Whatever your requirements, our multidisciplinary team of geoscientists can help you make enlightened business decisions.

At Getech, we offer a range of services dedicated to helping you understand the geological risks and opportunities associated with locating natural resources - whether you're working on a global or regional scale.

Our eco-system offers a holistic view of how our core services interact, with Globe at the centre.
10:45 Coffee, Tea & Exhibits


Jamie Warner - Exploration Geoscientist - ARKeX

The exploration value of using FTG data: frontier exploration in NE Greenland

ARKeX provides airborne and marine geophysical surveys for the oil & gas exploration industry. It specialises in Full Tensor Gravity Gradiometry (FTG), which measures variations in the earth''s gravitational field to help image subsurface structures. FTG has a much higher bandwidth and delivers a high resolution image than conventional gravity.

Gaud Pouliquen - Technical analyst - Geosoft

3D Hybrid Gravity Inversion for Base of Salt Modelling

Talk Description.
3D modelling of gravity, gravity gradient, and magnetic data has emerged as a cost-effective strategy to improve imaging and interpretations in challenging seismic environments such as sub-salt (O’Brian et. al., 2005; Fichler et. al., 2007; Alvers et. al., 2014). However, to be useful, the inherent ambiguity of potential field data require strict integration with 3D seismic interpretations and other constraining data, giving rise to an extremely challenging inverse problem. The use of gravity gradient data is encouraged by studies that show including selected gravity gradient data in the modelling process can improve the resolution of the modelling (e.g., Zhdanov, et. al., 2004).

Modelling and inversion of potential field data has focused traditionally on two distinct model types: volume defined models (meshes, 3D voxel grids); and surface defined models (layers or surface boundaries). The interpreter would choose which type of model is most appropriate for their project and work within that framework. However, highly constrained inversion problems such as the sub-salt problem and advanced mineral exploration problems require a more flexible approach, one that incorporates the advantages of both volumes and surfaces. To this end, we have developed a 3D “Hybrid” modelling and inversion strategy that takes advantage of the two different ways of representing model components and also takes advantage of the strength of both space-domain and frequency-domain calculation algorithms. Hybrid models by definition contain both volumes and surfaces as core elements.

In this brief abstract we describe one application of hybrid models: we illustrate the hybrid model inversion for solving the base of salt problem using the SEAM density model (Pangman, 2007). We call our implementation of this hybrid model inversion strategy VALEM for Voxel Assisted Layer Enhanced Modelling.
Geosoft solutions advance exploration of the Earth's subsurface. We provide solutions for exploration industries, government and the earth sciences, specialising in: earth mapping, earth modelling, GIS mapping, exploration information management and unexploded ordnance (UXO) detection.

Daniel Baltar - Global Exploration Advisor - EMGS

‘Avoiding the Irresistible’ The EM value chain

Talk Description.
EM has come of age and found its place in the value chain, now a consistent, reliable but independent geophysical measurement when integrated with it’s acoustic and other counterparts improves ‘Probability of success’ and more importantly ‘Probability of economic success’.
IOC’s and NOC’s who have confidently embedded the measurement into their workflow have produced impressive results. This talk will not be an equation fest but how the explorer can realize value by deploying CSEM at the right time in the right place.

Daniel Baltar is the Global Exploration Advisor for EMGS ASA.

Is responsible for the integration of CSEM measurements in existing workflows and business models. Previously he founded Cycle Petroleum and was its exploration director from 2018 to 2021. He has had a lead role in the integration of EM data into the exploration workflow, starting with Pemex's campaign in the deep-water Gulf of Mexico, the largest CSEM acquisition in the history of the technology. Furthermore he has developed and published some of the key integration algorithms and workflows bridging exploration performance, play and prospect evaluation, and resistivity rock physics analysis. Also Daniel has worked as an explorationist and seismic QI in many different basins and depositional environments. Also, he has experience in digitalization, pore pressure prediction and shallow hazard analysis. He holds an MSc in Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production form ISE/Heriot-Watt and a degree in Physics.

EMGS is a Norwegian, leading market share Geophysical company focused on the acquisition, processing, inversion and interpretation of 3D marine controlled source electro-magnetic (CSEM) data. To date that they have acquired over 850 commercial surveys worldwide and have over 110,000 km sq of 3D multi-client data covering many of the world's petroleum basins. The company has developed methods and tools to enable clients to integrate CSEM data into existing seismic and other geophysical datasets. When applied systematically across a CSEM sensitive portfolio. The new information provided by CSEM has the effect of polarizing existing evaluations, making CSEM a valuable tool in exploration venture evaluation. EMGS work in frontier regions and mature basins, from the Arctic to southeast Asia, and from offices across the world.

David Bamford - Director - Future Energy Partners Ltd

And finally!

Talk Description.
There is reasonably well documented evidence that petroleum seepage gives rise to near surface anomalies in soils and vegetation that can be detected with various geophysical technologies. some of which can be airborne, offering a relatively rapid reconnaissance tool.
The evidence and the technologies will be briefly reviewed.
David Bamford is well known around the oil & gas industry both as an explorer and a geophysicist. He retired from BP plc in 2003, his last four positions being Chief Geophysicist (1990-1995), Business Unit Leader (General Manager) for first West Africa and then Norway (1995-1999), and finally Head of Exploration until 2003.

He has undertaken asset and company valuation projects for investment banks, hedge funds and small oil companies. He has been a board director of Tullow Oil and Premier Oil.

He holds a Physics degree from the University of Bristol and a Ph.D in Geological Sciences from the University of Birmingham.

Future Energy Partners Ltd
Future Energy Partners (FEP) is a unique oil and gas advisory service which prides itself on technical excellence in selected fields and supplementing business management and leadership; in the face of uncertainty.

We offer truthful, professional opinion and advice; no playback of what you already know, and no spin.

FEP was founded by 4 senior industry practitioners who consider the challenges faced by today's oil and gas environment are going to require herculean acts of leadership and technical skill in a transforming, transitioning, industry, in order to maintain an energy supply that is sustainable and even recognisable compared to recent history.

Similarly nations developing an oil and gas industry face related challenges as they seek to maximise the benefits of this new wealth-creating opportunity - in a responsible manner.

Global reach

FEP actively participates in the facilitation and conduct of seminars and webinars worldwide, for example in conjunction with its associate partner Finding Petroleum.

Our presence reaches parts of the globe, such as: the UK, the USA, Sub-Saharan Africa, with partners wherever we work.
13:10 Lunch & Exhibits


Christopher Green - Geophysical Consultant - Getech

Workshop on Gravity & Magnetic Techniques

Talk Description.
This half-day training course is designed for geoscientists who are periodically presented with gravity and magnetic data (e.g. in data rooms), and who would like to be able to extract useful insights from the data without the pre-requisite specialist knowledge or software.

The course will examine the potential pitfalls and limitations of these types of data, it will also explore workflows that a specialist company, such as Getech, could perform in order to fully interpret gravity and/or magnetic data integrated with well, seismic and other data. No prior experience of gravity and magnetic data interpretation is required, but it is assumed that the audience will have a general understanding of hydrocarbon exploration practices.

The course is divided into three sessions that will each last approximately 50 minutes.

Chris is a Geophysical Consultant at Getech and has over 30 years’ experience in the processing and interpretation of gravity and magnetic data. Following an MSc in Geophysics at the University of Leeds (1983), he worked as a Research Assistant on projects, including crustal-scale seismic modelling, 3D gravity inversion algorithms and developing a seismic workstation to aid identification of small faults in seismic for coal exploration. He was involved with the Getech gravity compilation projects from the beginning (1986) – developing techniques for integrating marine gravity, developing DEMs and calculating gravity terrain corrections. He developed techniques for linking magnetic data sets and managed the integration of surveys to generate the African Magnetic Mapping Project continent-wide grid. Over the following years, he developed processes for displaying gravity and magnetic data in a plate tectonic framework and for processing high-resolution marine gravity data. Additionally, Chris developed a satellite altimeter processing system at Getech and was involved in a series of projects to enhance the data – including reprocessing the raw waveform data. More recently, Chris has been involved in projects to develop gravity and magnetic interpretation methods and to interpret the structure of rifts and continental margins; he also led a major R&D project to enhance the mapping of the Curie Isotherm.
Chris was Technical Director of Getech from 2000 to 2007. He completed his PhD on Global Gravity Compilation and its Application to Plate Tectonic Reconstruction in 1997. Chris also lectures in gravity and magnetic methods at the University of Leeds.

For over 25 years, we've been using our data and geoscience expertise to help the oil and mining industries locate the earth's natural resources. Whatever your requirements, our multidisciplinary team of geoscientists can help you make enlightened business decisions.

At Getech, we offer a range of services dedicated to helping you understand the geological risks and opportunities associated with locating natural resources - whether you're working on a global or regional scale.

Our eco-system offers a holistic view of how our core services interact, with Globe at the centre.
16:50 Close followed by coffee and tea

Sponsors of this event

ARKeX provides airborne and marine geophysical surveys for the oil & gas exploration industry. It specialises in Full Tensor Gravity Gradiometry (FTG), which measures variations in the earth''s gravitational field to help image subsurface structures. FTG has a much higher bandwidth and delivers a high resolution image than conventional gravity.

For over 25 years, we've been using our data and geoscience expertise to help the oil and mining industries locate the earth's natural resources. Whatever your requirements, our multidisciplinary team of geoscientists can help you make enlightened business decisions.

At Getech, we offer a range of services dedicated to helping you understand the geological risks and opportunities associated with locating natural resources - whether you're working on a global or regional scale.

Our eco-system offers a holistic view of how our core services interact, with Globe at the centre.

Geosoft solutions advance exploration of the Earth's subsurface. We provide solutions for exploration industries, government and the earth sciences, specialising in: earth mapping, earth modelling, GIS mapping, exploration information management and unexploded ordnance (UXO) detection.

EMGS is a Norwegian, leading market share Geophysical company focused on the acquisition, processing, inversion and interpretation of 3D marine controlled source electro-magnetic (CSEM) data. To date that they have acquired over 850 commercial surveys worldwide and have over 110,000 km sq of 3D multi-client data covering many of the world's petroleum basins. The company has developed methods and tools to enable clients to integrate CSEM data into existing seismic and other geophysical datasets. When applied systematically across a CSEM sensitive portfolio. The new information provided by CSEM has the effect of polarizing existing evaluations, making CSEM a valuable tool in exploration venture evaluation. EMGS work in frontier regions and mature basins, from the Arctic to southeast Asia, and from offices across the world.

The Association of British Independent Oil Exploration Companies seeks to promote the role played by British independent exploration and production (E&P) companies in maintaining a powerful and effective UK based oil and gas industry.

Registered Delegates

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United Kingdom
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Finding Petroleum / Digital Energy Journal
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Airbus Defence and Space
salar Golestanian
Managing Director
Finity Asset
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Vincent Sheppard
Chief Geophysicist
United Kingdom
Paul Murphy
Key Account Manager, Oil and Gas Division
Airbus Defence and Space
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Daniel Baltar
Global Exploration Advisor
Fox Geo Exploration
Carlo Buscaglia
Subsurface Team Lead
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Amelia de Coster
Bus develop
Amplified Geochemical Imaging
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Peter Jeans
PJ Exploration Ltd
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Feargal Murphy
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Robert FE Jones
Geoko Ltd
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Neil Oates
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Premier Oil
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James Gulland
GeoPartners Ltd
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Richard Dolman
Lead Geophysicist - New Ventures
Premier Oil
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Jim House
GeoSeis Ltd
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RAB Capital
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Reach Coal Seam Gas Limited
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ARKeX Limited
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Gaud Pouliquen
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United Kingdom
John Siegfried
Resource Exploration Services Ltd
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David Craik
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Matthew Grove
Strategic Account Executive
Geosoft Europe Ltd
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Hamish Wilson
Associate Consultant
Richmond Energy Partners
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Michele Martins
Lead Geophysicist
BG Group
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Simon Campbell
Globe Technical Development and Senior Geophysicist
Vincent Cornwell
Assistant Geoscientist
Robertson (UK) Ltd
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Bg group
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Kirsten Fletcher
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Rock Solid Images
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tom Kerrane

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Chris Green

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Rosha Resources Ltd
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Christian Lumsden
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Snr Business Development Manager
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RPS Energy
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Sophia Gerth
Exploration Geoscientist
Bolaji Aremu
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Richard Paterson
Saso lPetroleum International
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Tony Bourne
Potential Fields Geophysicist
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Bertie Lyons

Graduate Geoscientist
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Richard Webb
Sasol Exploration and Production
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Alexander Chalke
Grosvenor Clive & Stokes
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Jerome Foreman
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Sasol Petroleum
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Ian Hutchinson
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Will Jeffery
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JX Nippon
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Eugene Nizeyimana

Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
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LGO Energy
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Spec Partners Ltd
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Spectrum Geo
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No Hot Air
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Tower Resources
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Ophir Energy
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Tullow Oil
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Envoi Ltd
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Ophir Energy
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Tullow Oil
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_ _
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