David Bamford - Director - Finding Petroleum
Welcome & Introduction: Session 1 - Kurdistan re-visited
David Bamford is well known around the oil & gas industry both as an explorer and a geophysicist. He holds a Physics degree from the University of Bristol and a Ph.D in Geological Sciences from the University of Birmingham.
Since 2004, he has been a non-executive director at Tullow Oil plc, being recruited for this position especially for his exploration knowledge. He serves on the Nominations and Remuneration Committees, and was chairman of the latter, and Senior Independent Director, for 3 years prior to his retire from the board at the end of April 2014.
He was on the board of Premier Oil from May 2014 to May 2016.
He retired from BP plc in 2003, his last four positions being Chief Geophysicist (1990-1995), Business Unit Leader (General Manager) for first West Africa and then Norway (1995-1999), and finally Head of Exploration until 2003.
He has served on the boards of Paras Ltd, a small exploration and IS/IT consulting company in which he held 22% equity, until its sale to RPS Energy in 2008 and Welltec a/s, a Danish well engineering company, as the nominee of the private equity investor Riverside.
From 2012 to 201 he was on the board of ASX-quoted Australia Oriental Energy as a non-executive director.
He was a founder of Richmond Energy Partners, a small oil & gas research house, and several media companies that focus on the oil & gas sector, and has served as an advisor to Alliance Bernstein, Opus Executive, the Parkmead Group plc, and Kimmeridge Energy LLP. Since retiring from BP, he has undertaken asset and company valuation projects for investment banks, hedge funds and small oil companies.
Finding Petroleum Finding Petroleum was established to help the oil and gas industry network, and stay up to date on the latest technological developments. It does this via hosting regular events and with an online social network of nearly 10,000 members.
Benoit Vincent - Consultant Geologist - Cambridge Carbonates
Fractured Carbonate Reservoirs A geological point of view
Benoit Vincent is working as a Consultant Geologist with Cambridge Carbonates Ltd for 2009. He obtained a BSc in the University of Grenoble, followed by a MSc and PhD from the University of Burgundy in Dijon (France) in the field of Sedimentary Geology. After a Post-Doctoral position at the French University he joined the Institut Français du Pétrole (IFP, now IFPEN) in Paris between 2002 and 2008 where he was responsible for the petrography and thin section manufacturing labs. Benoit worked on sedimentology, stratigraphy, and diagenesis of carbonates, as well as on the impact of diagenesis on reservoir properties, mainly in the Middle East.
He also participated in projects about CO2 storage and received the DEG (Division of Environmental Geosciences) Best Poster Award at the 2004 AAPG Annual Convention in Dallas. He was employed as expert Geologist in Andra (French National Agency for Radioactive Waste Management) from 2008 to 2009. His main interest is in diagenesis and petrophysics in relationship with sedimentology and stratigraphy, now working all around the world and through the entire Phanerozoic, in carbonate and clastic reservoirs.
Cambridge Carbonates Cambridge Carbonates Ltd. is a geological consultancy that provides expertise in carbonate and evaporite systems to the oil and gas industry. As well as offering a range of non-proprietary reports for purchase, Cambridge Carbonates deliver bespoke expertise to clients in regional studies, play evaluations and reservoir characterisation projects.
Kes Heffer - - Reservoir Dynamics
Reservoir engineering of fractured systems
Talk Description. .....from mass balance to dual-porosity simulation
Kes Heffer received an MA in Natural Sciences from the University of Cambridge in 1970 and an MSc in Petroleum Reservoir Engineering from Imperial College, London in 1971. He worked for BP for 29 years, initially in worldwide operations as a petroleum/reservoir engineer, and latterly in research into issues of reservoir description. Since 1999 he has been an Honorary Fellow of the Institute of Petroleum Engineering at Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, and has conducted research and consultancy work through Reservoir Dynamics Ltd. His current main research interest is the rôle of geomechanics in the processes of fluid flow in reservoirs, and the degree to which these approach a critical point.
Reservoir Dynamics Reservoir Dynamics Ltd conducts research and provides consultancy services on the topics of geomechanics, faults and fractures and their influence on fluid flow in oil and gas reservoirs.
Conventionally, a dynamic model of a reservoir refers to the simulation of fluid flow within a static framework of rock (apart from a pore volume compressibility that is usually assumed to be homogeneous, isotropic and unchanging). In contrast, plentiful field evidence from worldwide reservoirs indicates that it is not only the fluid that moves during reservoir operations: the rock is also dynamic with small strains which are heterogeneous, anisotropic and focussed on faults, fractures and other discontinuities; this leads to time-varying properties, including permeability. This influence has been seen in production data whether or not the reservoir was characterised as "naturally fractured". Recognition of the involvement of additional physics in reservoir behaviour can lead to benefit for practical issues of well placements, injectivities, productivities, sweep efficiencies, short-term and longer-term forecasting and reservoir simulator history-matching. The technology is well-suited to mature fields, but lessons can be applied to green fields.
Richard Herbert - - R Herbert Associates Ltd
Exploration Opportunities in the Middle East
Talk Description.
Richard Herbert is a former COO, Exploration with BP, retiring from that position in 2016. Before that he was Executive Vice-President Exploration with TNK-BP (since 2003). He was initially with BP.
R Herbert Associates Ltd
Coffee & Tea; Exhibits: Session 2 - What's Next?
Mike Simmons - Halliburton Technology Fellow for Geosciences - Halliburton
Potential of Stratigraphic Traps in the Middle East
My research interests encompass petroleum exploration workflows, especially integration with sequence stratigraphy; eustasy in the geological record; regional stratigraphy and petroleum geology, specifically the Middle East and Black Sea regions; applied biostratigraphy; and the history and future of geology. My career has spanned both industry and academia, working at BP, Aberdeen and Cambridge Universities, Neftex, and most recently Halliburton, where I am Technology Fellow for Geosciences and Exploration. I have a degree and PhD from the University of Plymouth and am a Visiting Professor at the University of London.
Halliburton Founded in 1919, Halliburton is one of the world's largest providers of products and services to the energy industry. With nearly 70,000 employees in approximately 80 countries, the company serves the upstream oil and gas industry throughout the lifecycle of the reservoir - from locating hydrocarbons and managing geological data, to drilling and formation evaluation, well construction and completion, and optimizing production through the life of the field.
Katya Krylova - VP sales and marketing - GGS Interica
Modern reprocessing techniques deliver significant seismic data improvement leading to new play concepts offshore Iran
Katerina Krylova is VP sales and marketing with GGS-Interica. Prior to her current position, she was an account manager at Paradigm Geophysical UK (2012-2015) and an EAME Business Development Manager at CGG (2010-2012). Katerina began her career as a seismic reservoir characterization geophysicist at CGG in 2005.
GGS Interica GGS-Interica is a joint venture company which manages and licenses the Persian Carpet 2000 dataset that GGS acquired during 1999-2005. This data set covers the entire Iranian Persian Gulf offshore and Iranian part of the Oman Sea and comprises approximately 100,000 km of multi-client 2D data, 120 wells and 30,000 km of gravity data, all interpreted and available in Kingdom or Petrel workstation formats. To ensure a full-scale re-processing of the PC 2000 data and development of new related products, GGS-Interica has secured a non-transferable PC 2000 license.
The joint venture company has started the reprocessing of the entire data in preparation for any offshore Iran bidding. Early results, using the latest demultiple and broadband processing algorithms, show a great improvement in the data which should assist interpretation, AVO analysis, or seismic inversions.
Ryan Turner - Lead Analyst with PGI's Geo-political Risk Team - Protection Group International
Political, security and regulatory challenges in the Middle East
Talk Description. The talk will touch on Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Israel and the eastern Med.
Ryan Turner is a Lead Analyst for PGI’s Geopolitical Intelligence team, with strong focus in the extractive industry and expertise in the Middle East. Ryan has expert knowledge of the global Oil & Gas Sector, as well as economic, political and security developments in the Middle East. He also has an understanding of the impact of political risk on the global energy market. Ryan has shared his views on security and energy market in numerous media appearances on BBC and CNBC and other networks.
Prior to joining PGI, Ryan was an Oil & Gas Analyst for a company which for the past 30 years, has had forecasts, data and analysis used by multinationals, governments and financial institutions to guide critical decisions. In this role, he worked daily with a team of country risk and sector focused analysts to provide insight and analysis in the global oil and gas market, with a regional remit focused on the Middle East and Sub-Saharan Africa.
Protection Group International PGI is a privately owned UK business offering integrated, intelligence-led risk management solutions. PGI specialise globally in the secure protection of our clients' assets: human, physical, legal, intellectual property, financial and operational.
Close: followed by lunch and exhibits
Landmark Exploration Insights (formerly Neftex), is a product family within Landmark, a business line of Halliburton. We specialise in the collation, integrations and interpretation of large geoscience dataset and the delivery of these as subsurface models. We are recognised as industry leaders in the provision of web-based sequence stratigraphic products and their global application. Our integrated global geological database - the Neftex Earth Model delivers data, knowledge and insight to help our clients better understand geological risk in their exploration and investment activities.
Cambridge Carbonates Ltd. is a geological consultancy that provides expertise in carbonate and evaporite systems to the oil and gas industry. As well as offering a range of non-proprietary reports for purchase, Cambridge Carbonates deliver bespoke expertise to clients in regional studies, play evaluations and reservoir characterisation projects.
PGI is a privately owned UK business offering integrated, intelligence-led risk management solutions. PGI specialise globally in the secure protection of our clients' assets: human, physical, legal, intellectual property, financial and operational.
GGS-Interica is a joint venture company which manages and licenses the Persian Carpet 2000 dataset that GGS acquired during 1999-2005. This data set covers the entire Iranian Persian Gulf offshore and Iranian part of the Oman Sea and comprises approximately 100,000 km of multi-client 2D data, 120 wells and 30,000 km of gravity data, all interpreted and available in Kingdom or Petrel workstation formats.
To ensure a full-scale re-processing of the PC 2000 data and development of new related products, GGS-Interica has secured a non-transferable PC 2000 license.
The joint venture company has started the reprocessing of the entire data in preparation for any offshore Iran bidding.
Early results, using the latest demultiple and broadband processing algorithms, show a great improvement in the data which should assist interpretation, AVO analysis, or seismic inversions.
Maral Bayaraa
Remote Sensing Analyst
Airbus Defence and Space
United Kingdom
Katerina Krylova
VP sales and marketing
Vincent Sheppard
Chief Geophysicist
United Kingdom
Alexander Estrin
Alesther Ltd.
United Kingdom
Enzo Zappaterra
GLobal Exploration Services
United Kingdom
Khalil Nourafkan
Principal Geologist
Petroxin ltd
United Kingdom
Geoffrey Boyd
Field Development Consultant
United Kingdom
Alexander Chalke
Grosvenor Clive & Stokes
United Kingdom
Grenville Lunn
Manging Director
Julian Moore
Technical Director
United Kingdom
Mike Simmons
Technology Fellow (Geosciences)
United Kingdom
Ryan Turner
United Kingdom
David Craik
United Kingdom
Alastair Reid
United Kingdom
Beth Hepworth
Business development manager
Joe M Boztas
Boz Seismic Services
United Kingdom
Grigorij Serscikov
IHS Global
Frederic Yeterian
Philax International (UK) Ltd
United Kingdom
Derric Richardson
United Kingdom
Claire Jones
IHS Markit
United Kingdom
David Contreras
Gegional Geoscience Manager
United Kingdom
Benoit Vincent
Cambridge Carbonates
Peter Dolan
Founding Non-Executive Director
Ikon Science Limited
United Kingdom
Tim Davies
Global Portfolio & NV Manager
Premier Oil
United Kingdom
Sarah Thompson
Cambridge Carbonates Ltd
Ahmed Elghorori
United Kingdom
Arthur Snell
Managing Director, Intelligence
Protection Group International
Will Jeffery
Senior Offshore Interpreter
United Kingdom
Mark Robinson
United Kingdom
Tom Bacon
Geopolitical Director
Protection Group International
James Andrew
Busines Development Mgr EAME
United Kingdom
Mike Hibbert
Independent consultant
Independent consultant
United Kingdom
Richard Herbert
R Herbert Associates Ltd
Andrew Webb
Manager, Petroleum Reservoir and Economics
United Kingdom
John Griffith
Upstream Advisor
JJG Consulting International Ltd
United Kingdom
Josh King
RAB Capital
United Kingdom
John Glass
Consultant Geologist
Cloverfield Consulting Ltd
United Kingdom
Sangeeta Jordan
United Kingdom
Kes Heffer
Reservoir Dynamics Ltd
United Kingdom
David Jackson
United Kingdom
Tue Larsen
Senior Exploration Geophysicist
JX Nippon Exploration and Production (U.K.) Limited
United Kingdom
James Hodson
Senior Sedimentologist
RPS Energy
United Kingdom
Peter Farrington
Consultant Geophysicist
United Kingdom
Frans Van Buchem
Landmark Exploration Insights
Chris Hayes
Well Operations Director
RPS Energy
United Kingdom
Augustus Wilson
Consulting Geologist Middle East
United Kingdom
Chris Gravestock
Landmark Exploration Insights
United Kingdom
Matteo Di Lucia
RPS Group
Colin Clarke
Consulting Geoscience
United Kingdom
Tom Hall
Landmark Exploration Insights
Pierre Guilpain
Geoscience Manager Iran
SCDM Energy
United Kingdom
Dan Kunkle
Count Geophysics
United Kingdom
Nicholas Harper
Landmark Exploration Insights
United Kingdom
Christophe Bachy
Group Head of New Ventures & Business Development
SCDM Energy Ltd
Stephen Norman
Business Development Manager
United Kingdom
Amanda Turner
Lir Resources
United Kingdom
David Webber
Seismic Operations Consultant
Seismic Operations Consultant
United Kingdom
_ _
Geotechnical Engineer
United Kingdom
Mark Jones
Director - Sales & Business Line
United Kingdom
Mike Rego
Managing Director
Septima Energy Pte. Ltd.
United Kingdom
Brian Donnelly
Consultant Geophysicist
United Kingdom
David Peel
Technical Director
United Kingdom
Chris Newton
Sales Manager
Shearwater GeoSolutions
United Kingdom
Johannes Sobotzki
Data Analyst
United Kingdom
Rupert Simcox
Data Analyst
Lynx Information Systems
United Kingdom
Christian Bukovics
Senior Independent Director
Sound Energy Plc
United Kingdom
Martin Riddle
Technical Manager
United Kingdom
Nina Gray
Managing Director
Major, Lindsey & Africa
United Kingdom
Glyn Roberts
Spec Partners Ltd
United Kingdom
Simon Fleckner
Envoi Ltd
United Kingdom
David Bamford
New Eyes Exploration Ltd
Andre Sharma
Petroleum Analyst
Svenska Petroleum Exploration AB
United Kingdom
Mark Lonergan
Senior Business Development Manager
EPI Group
United Kingdom
Mark Broadley
Senior Geologist
United Kingdom
Ali Elyaseri
Petroleum Economist
Svenska Petroleum Exploration AB
United Kingdom
Karl Jeffery
Finding Petroleum
United Kingdom
Katerina Krylova
VP Business Development
Ocean Infinity
United Kingdom
James Dodson
Account Manager
United Kingdom
Richard McIntyre
Sales Manager
Finding Petroleum
Clarke Shepherd
Commercial Director
Oil Plus Limited
United Kingdom
Alice Nickels
University of Birmingham
Avinga Pallangyo
Events Coordinator
Finding Petroleum
Clarke Shepherd
Commercial Director
Oil Plus Limited
United Kingdom
Alastair Bee
Westwood Global Energy
United Kingdom
Anne-Mette Cheese
Geology Advisor
Gassnova SF
United Kingdom
Abi Mirkhani
OPG Supply
United Kingdom
Lynn Morris-Akinyemi
Research Analyst
Wood Mackenzie
Mohammad Al-Gailani
GeoDesign Ltd
United Kingdom
Dave Waters
Director and Geoscience Consultant
Paetoro Consulting UK Ltd
United Kingdom
Deirdre ODonnell
Managing Director
Working Smart
United Kingdom
Robert FE Jones
Geoko Ltd
United Kingdom
Robert Parker
United Kingdom
Jonathan Fuller
Xodus Group
United Kingdom
Bryan Moseley
United Kingdom
Mohit Khanna
Head of Subsurface
United Kingdom
Reza Sedaghat
Zagros Energy Ltd
United Kingdom
Jim House
GeoSeis Ltd
United Kingdom
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